Perform Optimization Onpage website or blog

These activities include editing your website and fill in your keywords to target in strategic positions that could affect your website ranking on search engines. We call it: making your website search engine friendly.

What and where only parts of it? Include: title, meta keywords, meta description, H1, H2, alt tags, links on your website, first paragraph, last paragraph, the body of the sentence in your website, etc.. Although strength is not as strong onpage optimization Off page optimization, but very good if you are able to do well.

The ability to edit your website needs to have and if you have never made the previous site, or your website created for someone else, so take a moment on the basic courses to create a website, or find a video tutorial or video tutorial that teaches about how to edit this website.

Because if you want to use the Internet as an engine of your business, then you should be able to edit your website. Indeed you do not have to make a beautiful website, with all the fantastic designs. Sayapun can not. But you just have to change the parts for the sake of your search engine. If not, then you are continuously dealing with people who make your website. And this is not good for the long term. To be effective, you need to have control over what happens to your website. Therefore, you can edit the website in a simple way you should be able to do alone.

And that can be learned quickly and easily.


  1. Pertamaxxx.
    Yup nice info, thats right.
    and dont forget this time 10 November...
    thanks 4 all.

  2. Wah tips yang bagus...!!!sukses sobat...
